The example explored in this vignette is nearly identical to the Interactive animation example. Instead of resetting the visualization with each new click, this example retains the final animation state of each interaction. It accumulates animation output.
The example begins with exactly the same code as before to compute the clusters, vertex Page Rank values, and most important vertex in each cluster. The differences appear with the last example appear later.
N <- length(V(LeMis))
# Vertex page rank values
pr <- page_rank(LeMis)$vector
# order the page rank values
i <- order(pr, decreasing=TRUE)
# Vertex cluster membership
cl <- unclass(membership(cluster_louvain(LeMis)))
# Find the index of the highest page rank vertex in each cluster
idx <- aggregate(seq(1:N)[i], by=list(cl[i]), FUN=head, 1)$x
# Create a default force-directed layout for the whole network
l1 <- norm_coords(layout_with_fr(LeMis, dim=3))
# Collapse the layout to just the idx vertices
l0 <- Reduce(rbind,Map(function(i) l1[idx[i],], cl))
# Grouped vertex colors, setting all but idx vertices transparent
col <- rainbow(length(idx), alpha=0)[cl]
col[idx] <- rainbow(length(idx), alpha=1)
The only difference with the last example appears in the code below. In particular, we specify vertex coordinates as differences from a base layout (the variable l0
) instead of as absolute coordinates. And, we indicate the cumulative=TRUE
option in each vertex animation entry.
click <- Map(function(i)
x <- l0
x[cl == i, ] <- l1[cl == i, ]
x <- x - l0 # convert to differences for cumulative=TRUE below
c <- col
c[cl == i] <- rainbow(length(idx), alpha=1)[i]
list(layout=x, vertex.color=c, cumulative=TRUE)
}, seq(idx))
names(click) <- paste(idx)
(graphjs(LeMis, layout=l0, click=click, vertex.color=col, fps=20, font.main="78px Arial"))