This vignette explores some ways to customize graphjs visualizations using the included LeMis data contain character coappearance data for Victor Hugo’s novel Les Misérables, compiled in the Stanford Graph Database by Donaled Knuth (see and taken from the D3.js example by Mike Bostock (

Baseline visualization

Let’s start with the default LeMis coappearnce graph visualization:

suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(threejs, quietly=TRUE))
graphjs(LeMis, vertex.size = 1)

Note that the mouse hover-over text label legend is centered at the top of the plot. I’m frequently asked how to customize the legend. It’s pretty easy!

The legend is simly an HTML ‘div’ element. The text in each vertex label is placed inside the element as raw HTML. The following example justifies the text to the top left of the page using HTML and CSS.

suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(threejs, quietly=TRUE))
graphjs(LeMis, vertex.size = 1, vertex.label =
  sprintf("<h2 style='text-align:left;'>%s</h2>", V(LeMis)$label))

And you can put more than text in the label. The following example includes the label illustrations for some of the main characters that I’ve collected from various places on the web. We download the list of illustation URIs from

suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(threejs, quietly=TRUE))
graphjs(LeMis, vertex.size = 1, vertex.label = 
  sprintf("<h2 style='text-align:left;'>%s<br><img src='%s' style='width:30%%;'/></h2>",
    V(LeMis)$label, read.csv("")[[2]]))

Custom JavaScript

The R threejs package version 0.3.4 adds a new function parameter called program that lets users run their own JavaScript code on plot initialization. Users may use this parameter to customize nearly any aspect of the plot output, although doing so requires some knowledge of the threejs and R HTML widget component internals (for instance, by examining the source code of this package, or even the source of generated plots in the browser).

The next examples shows how to use a small JavaScript initialization program to customize hover-over vertex labels so that they appear near the mouse pointer.


program <- "document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
  let x = document.getElementsByClassName('infobox')[3];['background'] = '#00c9c2';['border-radius'] = '5px';['color'] = '#222';['font-family'] = 'sans-serif';['position'] = 'absolute';['top'] = e.pageY + 'px';['left'] = e.pageX + 'px';

graphjs(LeMis, vertex.size=0.5, program = program)