Threejs example: “stacked” scatterplots


# xy data for 2-d plot 1
x1 = runif(10)
y1 = runif(10)

# xy data for 2-d plot 3
x2 = rnorm(30)
y2 = rnorm(30)

# xy data for 2-d plot 3
x3 = rpois(20, 5) / 6
y3 = rpois(20, 5) / 6

# put them together
data = data.frame(x=x1, y=y1, plot=1)
data = rbind(data, data.frame(x=x2, y=y2, plot=2))
data = rbind(data, data.frame(x=x3, y=y3, plot=3))

xlim = range(data$x)
ylim = range(data$y)

# Add 5 special bounding box points for each level
# (these points will be invisible -- used to draw a rectange)
box = data.frame(x=c(xlim[1], xlim[1], xlim[2], xlim[2], xlim[1]),
                 y=c(ylim[1], ylim[2], ylim[2], ylim[1], ylim[1]))
box$plot = 3
data = rbind(box, data)
box$plot = 2
data = rbind(box, data)
box$plot = 1
data = rbind(box, data)

# colors of each point, setting bounding box points transparent.
col = c(rep("#ffffff00", 15), rep("blue", 10), rep("red", 30), rep("orange", 20))

# make the plot
scatterplot3js(as.matrix(data), col=col, pch='@',
               grid=FALSE, num.ticks=c(5,5,3),
               z.ticklabs=c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"), height=900, width=900) %>% 
  lines3d(from=c(1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15),
            to=c(2,3,4,5,1, 7,8,9,10,6, 12,13,14,15,11), color="black")