Labeling graph vertices

You can use the points3d() function to add labels to a plot, including graph visualizations, in threejs. Labels are really just extra points in the plot that happen to contain text.

Here is a simple example that adds names to the vertices of the Les Misérables character co-occurence graph.

The example below uses the new vertices() function to extract the plot vertex coordinates from the widget. The V(LeMis)$label argument extracts the vertex label names from the LeMis igraph graph object.

graphjs(LeMis) %>% points3d(vertices(.), color="red", pch=V(LeMis)$label, size=0.2)

# or equivalently without using the pipe:
g <- graphjs(LeMis)
points3d(g, vertices(g), color="red", pch=V(LeMis)$label, size=0.2)